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8th Grade TACK Program
TACK is a peer education/peer leadership program that includes all 8th grade students to promote Tolerance, Acceptance, Caring, and Kindness throughout the building by:
- Participating in team based peer education lessons and activities
- Attending grade level group presentations
- Acting as student mentors and leaders in the building
Connections: A select group of TACK members volunteer to participate in the Connections Program that provides them with the opportunity to "connect" with the students in the Life Skills class. These TACK members receive sensitivity and social skills training by the school psychologist to help them establish positive relationships with this special population. The goal of this program is to create opportunities for positive interaction between the TACK and Life Skills students.
New Student Buddy Program
This program is designed to help new families to the Herricks district become more familiar and comfortable with the Middle School. Each new entrant, along with their family members, is invited in late August to meet with current middle school students and guidance counselors for an orientation which includes:
- Meeting the Principal and Assistant Principal
- Meeting the Student Service Department
- Meeting current Herricks students
- Learning about the middle school from student buddies
- Tour of building
- Question & Answer session
Peer Tutoring Program
National Junior Honor Society members provide tutoring for students in need of academic support. Individual counselors coordinate and monitor student sessions. The program involves:
- Weekly tutoring for a six week period
- Parental permission
- Certificate of completion for both students
Group Counseling Program
The Counseling and Wellness Center runs many voluntary discussion groups for students throughout the year. All students are invited to join a variety of topic based groups offered each year.
Mentor Programs
The Adult Mentoring Program pairs faculty trained as mentors with students who would benefit from interaction with positive adult role models. Students selected to be part of this program are referred from a variety of sources, and you may request that your child be considered. Mentors build close working relationships with their students and guide them in addressing personal, academic and emotional issues in a productive manner. Mentors encourage students to reach their best personal and academic potential through thoughtful and caring guidance.
The Student Mentoring Program involves eighth grade TACK members who volunteer to be student mentors for sixth or seventh grade students who would benefit from positive influences and relationships. Students selected to be part of this program are referred from a variety of sources, and you may request that your child be considered. Participants are paired with supervised TACK students who are trained as mentors. The goal of the program is to establish positive peer relationships and to provide peer support.