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About Our School

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Home of the Middle School Eagles


Welcome to Herricks Middle School, home to approximately 1100 students in grades 6, 7 and 8. Our school offers a wide range of clubs and activities, providing ample opportunities for students to get involved in extra curricular activities. The language immersion program enriches students’ linguistic and cultural understanding, preparing them for a globalized world.

We are proud of our academic excellence, with many 8th graders excelling in Regents Exams in both science and math. Herricks students consistently perform well in competitions, and achieving top honors in prestigious contests around the country. Our elective offerings span all disciplines, catering to diverse student interests.

At Herricks, we emphasize social and emotional learning (SEL), recognizing the importance of these developmental years. Our strong student services department ensures that each child feels supported and empowered. The annual musical production is a highlight, bringing the school community together to celebrate talent and creativity. Join us at Herricks Middle School, where every student is given the opportunity to thrive.

Middle School Contacts

Mr. Brian McConaghy, Principal
516 305-8626 
Email Mr. McConaghy

Ms. Gina Horton, Assistant Principal
516 305-8691

Email Ms. Horton

Mr. Matthew Hubbard, Assistant Principal
516 305-8627

Email Mr. Hubbard

Main Office: 516 305-8600
Attendance Office: 516 305-8699
Counseling and Wellness Office: 516 305-8657